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What about my needs? I can’t be giving all the time, right? Everyone says I need to take care of myself. Mummy needs to be happy!

I think this issue of me time is best handled by Teri Maxwell in her 5-part column found on the website.

The direct links to the articles are as follows :

What About Me? Part 1

An excerpt – How much work should we have to do? Can I expect to have personal time to do what I want to do? What about taking care of me? What does Scripture have to say that would apply to these types of questions?

As I made my study, I looked for verses that indicated I was entitled to fun, entertainment, relaxation, or some kind of focus on me. I wouldn’t have minded finding some Biblical admonition for this propensity of my flesh. I have to admit I was disappointed, but not surprised, not to be able to discover any verses that applied. I found many verses that had to do with being a servant, dying to self, and taking up my cross.

However, I didn’t find one verse that mentioned or even alluded to fun, entertainment, or relaxation.

What About Me? Part 2

An excerpt – I am also not saying we can’t do anything we enjoy. Instead I am asking that we consider our focus. Is our purpose to make it through the work so we can “play,” or is our purpose to love our families by serving them?

My heart’s desire is that what I am doing as a homeschool mom and homemaker is what I enjoy doing the most – that it is what my heart craves doing.

What About Me? Part 3

An excerpt – Rather than the feelings and disappointment that go with not having quantities of leisure time, I would like to suggest that we embrace the workload we have with diligence, determination, and joy. We are told that everything we do we are to do as unto the Lord. “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23). It is hard for me to justify time spent in personal pursuits as being done unto the Lord if there is still serving of my family to be done.

What About Me? Part 4

An excerpt – “Many Christian publications do not address this and continue to mislead us by trying to put a Christian face onto the message of the popular culture. I find that when ‘I want time for me,’ I am often sorely lacking in my time with Him. As you know, when our eyes are on ourselves, they can’t be on our Lord. When I am abiding in Him, my deep needs are truly met in sweet communion with Him…” Mom E

What About Me? Part 5

An excerpt – When I begin to think that I “have to have” time for my own pursuits or that I “need” to get away for time alone, then I am likely to experience self-pity when I don’t get that fun or individual time. Jesus said I am to die to self, not fuel it. I am not saying that we will never have time for relaxation or ever be able to pursue something of personal interest to us, because we will. However, when that becomes my purpose in life and my daily goal, I am frustrated and unhappy.

So – what about me time?

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0 comments on What About ME Time?

  1. I love what you/Teri Maxwell wrote here. I agree that it’s all about the mindset. I have many friends who tell me that “ME” time is crucial, something a SAHM should never do without. But I do realise that ME” time is essentially indulging in the SELF, and to be honest, no matter how much “ME” time there are, it will never be enough if we only focus on ourselves.

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