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So, the other day my online friend and a mother of 4 posted the image below on her Facebook page. It made me laugh because that was what I had recently commented to a friend and my husband. All our attempts to feed our children right and they turn around and choose junk food! Talk about wasted effort, right?Quote from Cheri Brorsen

Ahh! As Cheri said – when we are young and idealistic mothers, we think we have control over them but sooner or later they will show you who’s the boss with their choices. And you have to laugh and let it go or you will go mad.

Pregnancy & Childbirth

But it certainly made me look back, remembering how determined I was to do the best for my children right from the get-go.

I read up as much as I could on the best way to prepare for the pregnancy and childbirth (unmedicated) and breastfeeding (exclusively for 6 months and for at least up to a year).

And by the grace of God, I experienced not just unmedicated births but supernatural, pain-free ones. No, I am not having selective amnesia! It is really true. You can read all my birth stories and what I have learnt from each on birth at My 7 Birth Stories.


Because both sides of our families suffer from eczema, I was determined to breastfeed for at least a year to minimize the chances of passing this down the generations. And so, by the grace of God, I managed to breastfed all 7 of the children exclusively (no formula at all) for at least a year with the youngest enjoying it the longest, stopping a few months shy of her third birthday (sadly, she does not remember it at all, unlike children of my friends).

And of course, all baby food was home-cooked which in itself is a feat for this mama who did not know how to cook. But I was determined to do it all, especially later on when the eczema monster came knocking on our door.


For mostly my sanity, the children had regular and early bedtimes. They also took regular age-appropriate naps. And now, we know that these are actually beneficial for their long term health – physical, mental and emotional.

Junk Food & Minimal Sleep

Then the children grow up.

And so they spend more time out of the home than in the home. Spend more of their time with their friends than family. And yes, they eat out more than in, eating more junk food than healthy ones.

The only thing is that over here in Singapore, it isn’t tacos and soda they choose to stuff their faces with but rather waffles (or is it roti prata?) and bubble tea. Even when they obviously react to the foods they eat and suffer for it.

Choosing Junk Food like Waffles and Burgers over healthy ones.

And sleep? What’s that? They think they are invincible. Same with exercise. Some refuse to do it at all. Others think they are superhuman and push their bodies to the hilt. And same with the food issue, they persist in it even when there are obvious consequences to their decisions.


I was so frustrated that I told Henson that I should not have bothered at all. Why did I inconvenience myself when in the end, they will choose to eat fat-and-salt-laden fast food and drink sugar-laden bubble tea?

Do you feel the same? Or do you, as a younger mama think it will never happen to you?

False Sense of Control

I am not saying it will definitely happen to you but my point is, there are many things we think we can control when our children are young. But the truth of the matter is they will grow up and have minds of their own.

And that is a good thing. They are not our replicas. They are not our mini-mes. They are their own persons. And they need to have their own opinions and own thoughts.

But they also have to learn that every action and deed has consequences. As the saying goes:

We are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choices.

So they need to learn to make their own decisions and either suffer the consequences or be blessed by them. The hard part of for us to stand by and let them bear the consequences.

Feed Them Coke & Fries?

So, should we then just let them eat junk food and not nag them about their sleep schedule? After all, they are going to do what they want to do when they are older.

Well, I think the reminder here is to know your why. Why are you wanting to feed them the way you are feeding them? Why are you asking them to sleep by a certain time?

I don’t know about you but I do so because I sincerely believe that it is better for their well-being. Our diets and lifestyle choices do affect our physical and mental health. And there have been studies which show that fast food is linked to depression.

So while Coke and fries are part of our diet, they aren’t the main part of our diet. Actually, none of us drinks Coke or Pepsi. It is usually Sprite for them.

When they Prefer Junk Food

As Unto the Lord

And so, I will still try to do my best by them. Even when they choose to stay up until 3am, snacking on Tim Tams and drinking bubble tea while watching Netflix.

Not only because I believe it is healthier but also because it is part of my assignment as a mother to provide food that is as healthy as possible within our means and ability for the family. And I want to perform this assignment as unto the Lord, with a spirit of excellence, regardless of their choices and decisions.

And if you think that if you just feed them healthy food (whatever healthy means to you) and you model for them healthy habits they will definitely follow your example and never choose to eat junk food, you may not wish to hold your breath on that.

I am not saying they will or will not. But I am saying that they will decide what they will decide.


Let me share my story about lamb and mutton in our family regarding this “belief”.

I don’t eat lamb or mutton. No matter how “no-smell” everyone insists their favourite lamb/mutton dish is, I can and will smell them, unless I am ill or something. You can be sure I do not cook it at all at home.

I do not want to smell it being cooked at home either. Even if it is not cooked by me. But guess what?

Despite me never offering them at home and often complaining about the smell when I get a whiff of it while outside, six out of seven of the children love lamb and mutton. Every time they get a chance to eat it, they will.

So there you go.

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4 Comments on When They Prefer Junk Food

  1. Serene, I lol at the lamb and mutton story. Because I’m officially the one who doesn’t eat durian in my family. Even my 1yo was hooked the moment she tasted durian! *shakes head* they can have durian party at the void deck in future.

    • You have my sympathies. Out of the 9 of us, only 1 absolutely hates durians BUT she loved it until she was maybe 5? So that belief people have about food is a myth!

  2. hello Serene,

    Its good to see you back after the PSLE-cum-P4-streaming period.

    Thank you for writing the article reminding us fellow moms that the children will (with the Lord’s grace) grow up and make their own décisions. And it’s thanks to /despite the teachings they receive from us parents.

    Reading your article about cooking healthy meals for our Young children made me think of my first-born. When she started to diversify from milk, I got a “babycook”, a raved about steamer for baby food . With that machine, I prepared her all sort of “healthy” foods as recommended in parenting books.

    My older daughter has Always been a small eater. And since I was a clueless mom with her, I’d compare her with her cousin who was just 1 month older and would eat heartily ANYTHING offered to her. You can imagine how frustrated I was whenever she’d take only 2-3 mouthfuls of the food I so carefully prepared, and then turn her face away.

    Once, I prepared her leeks and potatoes, she took one mouthful and refused the rest. Then my husband opened a jar of store-bought baby food and she ate all of it ! He tasted the baby food I cooked and compared it to the storebought product, and told me that it was natural the kid would reject the home-cooked food since it just tasted terribly bland compared to the other. Talk about major rejection and failure eh? 😉

    My daughter is now almost 13 and is STILL a small eater. She and her sister would choose to eat McDonald’s anytime of the day rather than home-cooked food.

    However, I do hold on to the hope that our efforts are not entirely wasted. We are sowing in them the seeds of choosing food wisely. Hopefully, the seed would flourish. Here’s praying that it does.

    May you have a blessed Week.


    • Well, they may KNOW that it is healthier to eat home-cooked foods but they may not choose it even as an adult, eh? I have a brother who prefers instant noodles even when he has a helper at home to cook for him. Lol!

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