
FOMO leads to burn out. Beat it by remembering these 3 things.

FOMO Only Leads to Stress and Worry

There are three things we need to remember to avoid getting caught up in FOMO or the Fear of Missing Out. If we don’t bear them in mind, we will eventually burn out. Because no one can run on adrenaline all the time. Neither can a packed schedule be sustained. Both our children and ourselves will have a heavy price to pay in the long run.  Read more…

Socialisation and the sticky child. Do you have a sticky child? I did! I share 5 tips to encourage your child to step out of his comfort zone without stress.

5 ways to help your sticky child deal with social situations

Do you have a sticky child? I did! But don’t let anyone make you feel guilty that your child isn’t the life of the party. Or that he is unhappy being passed around. As long as you keep calm and keep encouraging, but not push your child to be sociable before he is ready, he will be fine. Find out how to gently encourage him to step out of his comfort zone.  Read more…

Looking to raise independent learners in your homeschool? Your planner system and curriculum choice is critical.

Raising Independent Learners

Are you empowering or holding your children back? Aim to raise independent learners for life and your homeschool. It will lessen the workload and stress. In this post, I share how our curriculum choice and planner system helped me in my quest to get our children be more independent.  Read more…

Encouraging sibling closeness and not rivalry. Don't play favourites!

Encouraging sibling closeness not rivalry

If there is only one lesson you get from this post, it will be this : don’t play favourites. It has long term repercussions. It may be difficult if you have one child that you constantly butt heads with. But you are the adult. BE the adult. Don’t play one child against another.

Sometimes we don’t think we are but to the children we are. (And yes, sometimes, they are being ridiculous). We just need to be aware of how certain actions and behaviours come across to the other children. Read more…

Devotions with the Children – Then and Now

In my last post, Struggling to spend quiet times with the Lord?, I shared my struggle on finding time to spend with the Lord and how these times have changed with each season of my life. Today, I tackle another popular question from mothers – how to get our children to do their devotions, preferably on their […] Read more…

Are You Ready for 2017?

This is the last post of the year. Christmas has just been celebrated and now the new year beckons! Are you ready for 2017? Has the Lord given you a word for the new year? Are you looking forward to, or dreading the new year? I have my word for 2017 and have been thinking through […] Read more…

Recording memories and milestones

I am curious. Do any of you keep journals or planners that record your family’s or your own memories and milestones? Or do you only have a Home Management Binder that lists your to-do list with your household chores, menu plans and appointment tracker plus all the important documents and contacts filed and contacts? I don’t […] Read more…


No, this post is not about teaching our children obedience. But instead it is about our own obedience to the Lord. Seeking the Lord for 2017 I have been seeking the Lord for a verse or word for the coming year. I always try to do it so as to have an anchor of sorts […] Read more…

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