Homeschooling seems to be the latest flavour of the month here in Singapore! Many people are expressing interest in a topic that was unheard of just a few years ago. It was usually seen as something the expatriates did. Now, you almost always know of someone who is either homeschooling or knows someone else who […] Read more…
Doing Devotionals With the Children
I have been asked many times what we do and what we use with the children for their devotional times with the Lord. Ahhh! Doing devotionals with the children can be very, very trying! Family Devotions – Fail! We used to do our Family Devotions once a week. Honestly, it was a t-o-r-t-u-r-e! Why? Well, […] Read more…

Why Do We Homeschool?
Are we homeschooling because we believe that we can do a better job than the brand name schools under the Ministry of Education? No. It isn’t also because we are more spiritual. Or that we want to shelter the children from the big, bad world. Not at all. Far from it. We are merely obeying God’s call. Remembering that “To obey is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22 Read more…